- Vygotsky's Theory of Collaborative Learnnig
- Kolb's Cycle of Experiential Learning
- Constructivist theory of learning
- Constructionist Learning
- Transmissive approach
- Personalised Learning
- Learner as the Centre
- ICT is the enabler
- Life-long Learning
- Communities of Collaboration
- Motivational Scaffolding
- Progressive Inquiry
- Project-based Learning
- Problem-based Learning
Kolb's Cycle of Experiential Learning
Innovations in Teaching, Learning & Assessment
- Flipped classroom
- Skateboard Science (Learning Culture)
- Blended Learning
- Effective Feedback (Assessment)
- Technological Innovations
- IWBs, Smart Tables
- Online Learning/ Virtual Classrooms
- Adaptive & Dynamic Testing Systems
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Web 2.0
- Digital Repositories/ Learning Objects
- Simulations
- Classroom Design